Review written for the Doncaster Free Press (November, 2010)
(unedited text below)
This sentence is a bit dull and…BOO! This sentence is also a
bit dull and...BOO! This sentence is also a bit….well you get the idea. But if
you found that frightening and you also enjoy extended periods of tedium
followed by loud sudden shocks, then there’s a chance you may enjoy Paranormal Activity 2, the wearisome prequel
to the low-budget surprise hit of 2007. For everyone else however, disappointment
is likely.
The story revolves around a seemingly happy family of whom
the mother is the sister of the female lead in the original Paranormal Activity. Following a
mysterious burglary, video surveillance is installed throughout their house (it
is this footage along with hand held home-movie pictures that constitute the
film); and then we wait. And wait. And wait some more.
There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with scenes of normality
where little happens. Used effectively these can give bursts of action greater
impact and this technique has been used with great success by heavyweight directors
such as Kubrick and Hitchcock. Here however it is as if the director has a
vague idea of what makes a good horror film, but not realised that the periods
of inactivity must serve a purpose. Too often it appears that footage is shown
simply for the purpose of filling time
Eventually, after a whole lot of waiting, there’s a shock.
And yes, it makes the audience jump. But you could achieve the same effect by
forcing a friend to watch dull CCTV footage and randomly bursting a balloon
just behind their ear. It’ll give them a start, but it’s not exactly subtle and
won’t linger long in the memory.
There’s no real involvement here; it’s difficult to care
much about what happens to the characters and none of them say much of any interest.
Admittedly the film improves slightly in the last act when the atmosphere
becomes more sinister and we lurch towards some sort of conclusion, but by then
your attention may have wandered to much better horror films than this. After
all, there’s plenty to choose from.
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